I started photography in high school, but I've always been a people-person. Sometimes a chronic people-pleaser, but usually just a girl who loves putting a smile on people's faces.

My top love languages are acts of service & gift giving. Through wedding photography, I get to serve people on the happiest day of their lives, celebrate alongside them, and gift them with their memories in a tangible form. It's truly perfect and I am so blessed I get to do this for a living.

Regardless of how I love to love... My ultimate goal through my life and art is to love you like Jesus does. My faith isn't something I hide or push aside in my business, it is the sole reason for what I do. God gives good gifts to His people for His glory and He’s put me on Earth to be a wedding photographer. He has provided for me and ushered me into a career where I can document the sacred covenant of marriage between a man and woman. Preserving the kingdom celebration of two people becoming one under the dominion of Christ and with the Truth of God's Word is my life's passion and my greatest blessing.

I may not know you yet, but I cannot wait to connect with you, learn your story, and document wedding day memories that you'll want to relive again and again.

I'm Dana Mann. a Christ-follower, creative, and people person.
documenting your memories with meaning and intention.


I think I like you already!


caramel macchiato

secret talent

baking bread

I'd rather be


on my bucket list


my perfect day includes:

my husband, jacob!

favorite ice cream

vanilla w/sprinkles

favorite place

the beach

obsessed with

taylor swift!!!

guilty pleasure

old film cameras


caramel macchiato

Secret Talent

baking bread

I'd rather be


My Perfect day includes

my husband

Favorite Ice cream

vanilla w/sprinkles

obsessed with

taylor swift

Guilty pleasure

old film cameras



A glimpse at my life...

My husband and I

married in 2023

My husband Jacob and I spend our rest days binging tv shows and cooking new foods together. He is the black cat to my golden retriever and I just love him. Once in a blue moon he will join me on a wedding day as my second shooter!

My Faith

At the center of everything I do

My Faith in Jesus Christ and the resurrection is at the center of my life, my marriage, and my business. He has saved and transformed my life!


IN Fall 2023

I was blessed enough to have been able to go full time with photography this past Fall. When I moved to full time, I was able to give 100% to my couples and be fulfilled more creatively!


My love languages + hobbies

My top love languages are acts of service and gift-giving. I love hosting parties, shopping for the perfect gift for a friend, and love when people are intentional and kind in friendships. Don't be surprised if I bring a gift to your session or at least a coffee!!!

photo by emily higdon photography